A funny thing happened last night… And I thought I’d share it with everyone.

Anyone who’s been to a show or other event has picked up what we like to call the ‘webmaster’s wardrobe’ – a collection of tee shirts, hats and other things that we can wear until the next event. When we replenish our stockpile LOL

Well we’re no different. We have tons of them including the shirts we had made for the Last Florida Internext, when we launched DILF

We tend to put these shirts on and not think about it and go about our business. No one is going to clue into the fact that we work adult with a Web Air shirt or a CCBill hat.

Well at this point you can guess where this is going.

We went on a jaunt to the local market and just as we entered the store I said out loud, “Oh shit!” Lee turned and looked at me as if I had four heads. He saw me looking at his shirt. He looked down to see Stud Money printed across his chest, then gave me a look like “So what?”

Then it happened. It dawned on him… blazed across the BACK of the shirt is the phrase “DADS I LIKE TO FUCK!”

When we silently came to the understanding that we were walking into a store filled with children and older folks, we started to laugh our asses off. Lee was blushing (which takes a lot to do) and I was holding off a laugh attack. We both agreed that he should go down and aisle and turn the shirt inside out. What made it even funnier was every aisle he went to... filled with people - seniors, families, etc. There was no place to go. We just kept laughing.

So we started our shopping anyway, until we finally got to a row that was free. He turned the shirt inside out and we both just laughed our way down the candy row.

Just goes to show you how we take some things for granted. And knowing there were children present, it was right thing to do.

If you only could see the look on Lee’s face when he realized what was on the back... it was absolutely priceless!

My best,