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Thread: Vegas Show - Was It Really As Much Of A Flop As Im Being Told?

  1. #1
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
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    Vegas Show - Was It Really As Much Of A Flop As Im Being Told?

    AVN really couldnt have had announcements going on every hour or so telling what attendees they did have on the show floor to leave for seminars, parties and poker games could they?

    Also was the show floor itself comparable to past shows? From what im being told so far, there were many, many fewer booths than before.

    What would you say the ratio of webmasters > program owners were, something else i have been told by one person is that there were more program owners/reps at the show than actual affiliate webmasters :eek:

    Finally, what about business, im being told by a lot of people who went that the only new business they picked up was from the people that they had planned to meet at the show ahead of time, new business from walk-ins/walk-bys at booths and around bars and at the events was almost non-existant by all accounts.

    How was the show for you, is what i have been told so far about right or have i been given mis-information?



  2. #2
    ...since my first hard-on. A_DeAngelo's Avatar
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    the show was wierd - the "gay" area was shoved into the back corner of the enormous convention hall and was dominated by one large booth

    there were a handfull of others in the gay area

    we were happy to be there to support our distributor and to promote our line as well as our position on barebacking to whomever was interested and open to listening to our side of the argument

    we made some contacts for selling our video line and most everyone was very interested in our new members' site and our entry into this new realm

    we did manage to have a good meeting with the attorneys who may use us a test case to argue 2257 issues with respect to our licensed line of 60 vintage movies we will be putting up on the net - this could be VERY IMPORTANT FOR EVERYONE who has old "pre 2257" content that will be re-mastered for the net - I'm not so sure yet that we want to have such a public face with a major suit against Gonzalez but we'll see... you know that these types of battles can lead to IRS hassles or FBI inquiries, etc....

    otherwise, too much food, too many large fake breasts, and too much cigarette smoke

  3. #3
    ...since my first hard-on. A_DeAngelo's Avatar
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    I don't type fast enough,

    oh, and I did forget to mention (nicely Tony) that the whole deal is kind of a necessity for folks such as us if we are going to be recognized and reviewed in their mags - you know what I mean? get my drift? comprendez vous?

  4. #4
    On the other hand.... You have different fingers
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    Amen on the large fake breasts. Although I didn't go this year, I don't think I've ever seen so many in one place

  5. #5
    Smut Peddler XXXWriterDude's Avatar
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    It sounds like Tony's post had to do with the AEE show, not Internext. There was no "gay section" at Internext this year. Maleflixxx was the only gay company that had a booth, though were several gay companies that attended the show in walk-around fashion.

    As far as we are concerned, the show was a big hit this year. The comments we heard from EVERYONE we talked to were immensely positive. People were coming up to me all week--no fibbing--and saying, "Oh, my God, this is SOOOOO much better than last year. You guys really deserve a lot of credit for putting this together."

    The show floor was intentionally small this year. I'm surprised you didn't know that, Lee, as we had announced months ago that there were only going to be a limited amount of booths offered. In taking all the suggestions from last year into consideration, we decided a smaller, more intimate show floor would be better, and it was. The show floor was livelier than last year, and because there were fewer booths, the floor felt very busy all week. (By the way, we actually had companies calling us up at the last minute begging--and in some cases demanding--that we add more booths, but we declined.)

    With the exception of two parties on Sunday, there were very few straight parties the rest of the week (except for the Player's Ball on two nights and a Homegrown Video bash), but there were at least two gay parties every night. And the live domain auction went over very well, with some pretty big domains getting sold (,, et al) and bringing in close to $2 million.

    By mostly all accounts, Internext 2007 was a step back in the right direction for AVN, and it will continue to grow and evolve as the industry does the same thing. But make no mistake about it: the show this year was FAR from a flop.
    Ken Knox (aka "Colt Spencer")
    Entertainment Journalist/Porn Writer
    AIM: KKnox0616 / ICQ: 317380607

  6. #6
    ...since my first hard-on. A_DeAngelo's Avatar
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    Yes, I was talking about the AVN "Adult Entertainment Expo" AEE that we were part of last week in Vegas....not the other shows

    this is one of the many problems with TOO many shows all happening within days of each other...

  7. #7
    Smut Peddler XXXWriterDude's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by A_DeAngelo View Post
    Yes, I was talking about the AVN "Adult Entertainment Expo" AEE that we were part of last week in Vegas....not the other shows

    this is one of the many problems with TOO many shows all happening within days of each other...
    Haha. Well, those are two totally different shows for two totally separate audiences. Of course, lots of people attended both, and were wrecked by the end of the week. I would have been too if I'd been there for that long!
    Ken Knox (aka "Colt Spencer")
    Entertainment Journalist/Porn Writer
    AIM: KKnox0616 / ICQ: 317380607

  8. #8
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?'s Avatar
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    I think the show was great. You guys did a good job on planning it alot better and made it so it wasn't at the same time as the CES show. Last year was just horrible and this years show was a way better planned. I was disappointed there was only 1 completely gay company that had a booth but I think there will be more next year. I met alot of new people and did alot of new business. I felt like lasts years show was kindof a waste but this years show was defintely worth it. I think they did an awesome job.

    * - If you can't convert us you better look for a new job!

  9. #9
    Ken Knox was staying on my floor so it was definitely worth it! Seriously, it was a great show. Most of my work is done at the parties and whatnot. Those were successes. I made a comment that I think the show would be more successful if booths were setup at the parties. :-) This was my second InterNext show. I enjoyed the show.

  10. #10
    When it comes to exploring the sea of love, I prefer buoys. SPACE GLIDER's Avatar
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    I've been hearing that Internext was da bomb ... in a GOOD way

  11. #11
    Kudos to this year's Internext. It was an improvement from last year, and Pickles and i had a good show.

    However, somthing the industry needs to figure out is how the heck they are going to eventually "converge." The distiction between the AEE show and Internext is really only understood by a small number of people. I guess it's up to the show's producers and the 1980s generation of brick and video adult companies on how they want to market their products.

    The weird consequence this year was that on my first day of the show, I met a number of people who were leaving town the next morning as they have been there already for days.


  12. #12
    On the other hand.... You have different fingers
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    Quote Originally Posted by desslock View Post
    However, somthing the industry needs to figure out is how the heck they are going to eventually "converge."

    It's like pulling teeth. Stores (and even distributors) still prefer faxes for communication. Most have pretty Neanderthal-era websites if they have any web presence at all. And that is the realm of the majority of companies at AEE.

    I think that last year's experiment was well-intentioned... to put the online and the bricks-and-mortar shows at the same time so there'd be more opportunity for convergence. Unfortunately, somebody overlooked the fact that AEE is about 90% an end-user show, so it totally didn't work.

    I'm hopeful that the GayVN summit may be more along the lines of convergence... seems they are making a serious effort to get studios to show up, and so it may give a better-than-normal opportunity for the two groups to mix.

  13. #13
    Cheerful Agnostic
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    I had a great show.

    I only attended one seminar, it was packed.

    The parties were great. a little packed and smokey at times, but overall a very good time.

    It was nice getting to meet a lot of our gay webmasters face to face.

    We sponsored the parties and felt like it was worth our money.

    All though we're expecing the gayvn summit and gay phoenix forum to be much better.

  14. #14
    ...since my first hard-on. A_DeAngelo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gaybucks_chip View Post
    ...put the online and the bricks-and-mortar shows at the same time...
    very cool - the way you do the "bricks-and-mortar" thing - kinda like "mothers-in-law"

    never thought of it like that - good writing!

  15. #15
    Smut Peddler XXXWriterDude's Avatar
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    Thanx for the comments, guys. Much appreciated. The AVN trade show department puts a lot of work into planning these shows, and it's good to know that their efforts are appreciated.

    I think that one's success at a show is primarily determined by what they expect to get out of it going into it.

    We've received a number of positive comments, as well as some constructive criticism, about this year's show, and as always, we will be taking those comments into consideration as we plan for the Florida show and next year's Vegas show. There's always room for improvement.
    Ken Knox (aka "Colt Spencer")
    Entertainment Journalist/Porn Writer
    AIM: KKnox0616 / ICQ: 317380607

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