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Thread: LOL - And People Say The GWW Community Rules Are To Strict...

  1. #1
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    New Orleans, Louisiana.

    LOL - And People Say The GWW Community Rules Are To Strict...

    Advice for Experts on Providing Solutions Through Comments or Answers
    Experts may post solutions to your question in the form of a comment or answer, so be sure to check every email notification as soon as it arrives. Often, an Expert posts the solution to your problem as a comment because it is early in the collaboration process and other issues may be involved. In addition, it is common etiquette in some topics areas to always post comments and not answers. There are several reasons behind this thinking:

    * Questions do not become prematurely locked and the collaboration process is not inhibited when the question is indexed as open for proposed solutions.
    * The question-asker has the power to select the best solution rather than one that is simply suggested as an answer.
    * Watch out for unclear or multiple-part questions. You can send a comment to the member requesting that they rephrase or break up the question before you submit an answer.
    * If you don't know the answer, leave the question for someone else.
    * If you are unsure of your solution, post it as a comment rather than an answer. Members can accept comments as solutions and award points for them.
    Thats just crazy, i mean wtf :eek:



  2. #2
    Corey Bryant
    I've been a member of EE for probably over four years. They have really changed thie TOS - a lot of it is common sense stuff, but since they charge as well, they have a very interesting way

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