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Thread: Chi Chi LaRue asks for your help

  1. #1

    Chi Chi LaRue asks for your help

    Channel 1 Releasing and Chi Chi LaRue Launch

    It's time to get political. I know the last thing America wants is a big drag queen telling people how to vote, but tough! I am speaking out because the industry I love is in jeopardy, and this next presidential election is crucial. The United States Constitution is under attack and our right to create and view adult material in print, on video and online--a right to free speech protected by the First Amendment--is at stake! I have launched to stress the importance for all consumers of adult material to register and vote this November.

    Everyone needs to be aware of the Bush administration's agenda and the steps that are being taken now to crack down on porn. The Protect Your Porn Project ( will help facilitate this goal by providing informative articles and links. At the same time I wanted to have a little fun, before they throw me in the pokey and turn this country into a bunch of hypocritical right-wing Stepford wives.

    Please help this important cause in whatever way you can. Place a banner on your web site so people can get this information and register to vote. As we get closer to November I will be calling on all of you to step it up and offer what you can--whether it's an article, ad space, giveaways, or just to volunteer your time. Whatever it takes to protect our right to create and view adult material. Unless requested otherwise, all donors will be listed on the site as a supporter.

    Specialty Publications (publishers of Men, Freshmen, Unzipped and [2] magazines) has already donated ad space in every issue through November and banner space on all their websites. Thanks to them for supporting the industry!

    What can you do?

    Thank you.

    Chi Chi LaRue

  2. #2
    She Devil
    what's so bad about porn in the first place that they have to do this? There will always be those assholes who make us look bad, but never is the industry mentioned for our contributions to society or stopping illegal activity such a CP. I think not having porn will be worse on society. My thought. Thanks Chi Chi for making a stand.

  3. #3
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    New Orleans, Louisiana.
    You know i honestly dont think Bush has a chance of being re-elected.

    I read somewhere recently that Kerry is something like 8 points ahead in the polls for this election year.

    IMHO the sooner we vote Bush out (which is what we will end up doing) the better.



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