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Thread: review the videos in our member area

  1. #1
    chick with a bass basschick's Avatar
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    Nov 2003

    review the videos in our member area

    hi. our site sells great and converts for shit. my partner and i don't see eye to eye on this, but i won't go into who thinks what until i have your opinions.

    could you please go to
    un: gaywide pw: pass99word

    and check out the guys on the first page. see what you think. let me know here. hopefully you will enjoy - your help will be very much appreciated!!!

  2. #2
    AusCoding Allan
    Hi Basschick,

    Had a look, from a hetero guy's perspective it doesn't appeal to me at all, however from a adult site perspective here's my $0.02

    The feel/layout of the site is a little amateurish, I don't know if this is what you were aiming for to tie in with the amateur/first-time models you are using or not.

    The videos were generally good, and gave a good cross-section of races, body types and ages but I would probably keep it a little more focussed. Without knowing what your aims are this is my brief review. I'll get more detailed tomorrow, I'm just on my way out.

    Allan aka Horticulture Boy

  3. #3
    chick with a bass basschick's Avatar
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    Nov 2003
    ozmalegalleries - thanks for the comments. the tour is exactly as amateurish and it sells very well, so i was trying to match it. i have no personal attachment to the member area, but i thought it made sense to continue with the look/feel that was making the sales.

    i could change my take on this, depending. these actually are first time (and mostly last time) models that answer our ad in the paper.

    i think the interviews are very much the weak point, but i will not tell you why i think that till i've heard from more people. there are multiple reasons. but perhaps other webmasters will find problems besides the interviews, or they will like the interviews and dislike something else about the videos.

    then i have questions, for those willing to help.

  4. #4
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    New Orleans, Louisiana.

    I took a quick look for you

    Okay here is my take on the 'members area' not the videos as to be honest, the members area IMHO is what makes a surfer retain and not the actual content they can find within it although that also helps as long as the content matches the site which, in this instance, it does

    Okay the first thing that struck me is that you only have the videos for your site there and nothing else.. in other words, lets say i joined for 3 days.. i download all the videos you have and leave.

    I realize you probably have reasons for not carrying any other feeds inside the members area however, i really do think that having at least one or two other feeds in their, even if they are free feeds, will benefit your members and keep them retaining longer.

    Also, the members area as a whole, as Allan said is very amateur looking and whilst this is inkeeping with the style of the tour i also think you could be hurting yourself by not having many graphics inside the members area, specifically navigation graphics. I know we changed a few things specifically on DILF a few months ago in respect of the members area and that played a big role in retention for the members who joined up.

    In addition to offering your members stills and vides from sets that you have shot you should also, IMHO add a section of 'generic' porn to the mix, just because they want to see guys jacking off today when they join, that doesnt mean in a few days time they wont want to see some plain ol' vanilla sex.

    You might also want to provide your members with something such as a page of links to 'other' sites of interest, gay news, communities, dating and the likes as well as gay store links, it might sound like a weird thing to do however, the more you can actually offer your members the longer they will stay, whether you are offering them something such as extra out of 'genre' porn or dating, give them something more than just the content they signed up for and you could be surprised at the results and ultimately, if they arent retaining now, by adding some new stuff to the site you really dont have a whole lot to lose but you do have a heap of $$$ to be gained, if the new additions dont work.. take them away and try something else.

    Hope this helps you some.



  5. #5
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    New Orleans, Louisiana.
    Oh i should also clarify..

    By 'other feeds' i dont mean paid feeds, often something as simple as a live chat upsell can be enough to ensure your members stick around for a bit longer.

    Video Secrets, Direct Studs, Stroke 4 U - Those types of feeds do well in our experience



  6. #6
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    New Orleans, Louisiana.
    Me again LOL

    Okay ive just taken a look at one of the scenes, Jeremy, clip 2 and clip 4.

    The thing that does striek me immediately is that the interview 'feels' unscripted and whilst that is a good thing for an amateur site in general it can also have a negative impact on your surfers especially when it comes to the guy starting to j/o in clip 4 he seems to be all over the place to be honest.

    I think you have a good concept for the videos thmselves however, imho they need to be more structured in their setup. One comment that did stand out was from clip 2 where they guy said he prefers having sex with women, preferably multiple women, it may just be me but that is an immediate turn off... if im watching a guy doing anything sexual in a video i want to have at very least the 'fantasy' that i could bed him.. by him saying he only likes women that ruins the whole fantasy aspect.

    Setting up a structure of sorts will definately be a great benefit to not only the videos themselves but also to the members, even if the structure includes some small sections of unscripted talk it will at least enable you to control the direction of the conversation/action to the point where your models arent telling your members they have no chance of fucking the guys

    Again, this is just mho



  7. #7
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    New Orleans, Louisiana.
    One last thing...

    If i had joined the site as a member.. i wouldnt stick around for one reason and one reason only.

    Jeremys video clip7 - the last one in the list... has no cumshot :eek:



  8. #8
    chick with a bass basschick's Avatar
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    Nov 2003
    jeremy is the only guy with no cumshot

    we are marketing this site to women as well as men, and so that makes having more content complicated. in truth, we could throw in every aebn feed, as well as hostedcontent - we have them in our other sites.

    could we get away with offering straight as well as gay porn? women won't want to see gay videos, and besides a few curous straight guys, the gay guys won't want to see straight.

    the site started out as a straight guys jacking off sort of thing, but lee - did you listen to the interview? could you possibly listen to just the first couple minutes of another one or two?

    what do you think of the motion in the video camera? i think it is superfluous and distracting, but that is only my opinion. i'd like to see the entire guy through most of the video, with occasional closeups. it could be done on a tripod, which would add more stability. but perhaps others like the "amateur" feel of the camera moving around, up and down the guy and changing angles. anyone like this?

    i can go back and rip apart the member area, add more stuff - live feeds, chat, some more videos. i would like to point out that the best retaining sites i ever sold had the exact same layout, and no outside content whatsoever. be that as it may, obviously something needs to be done.

    but the interviews still worry me...

  9. #9
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    New Orleans, Louisiana.

    Thats what i meant by having some kind of structure to the interview.

    As well as the actual worded part you should try to have some form of layout so far as how often the camera moves away from the model, what is in view and, most importantly, when there is a cumshot make sure that is the focus of the camera when it happens

    The one other thing that did strike me was some of the angles of the person holding the camera.. they were, unique, to say the least



  10. #10
    chick with a bass basschick's Avatar
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    Nov 2003
    that is exactly what i am telling my partner. he was listening to this girl, who had experience as a model so he felt that counted. also he gets bored easily, and feels it will add interest to keep the camera moving.

    the interviews get stuck in certain places - they need to move along. or that is my feeling.

    it made me feel carsick *LOL* also, when i was curious about how a guy would look saying a particular thing, sometimes there'd be no face showing.

    any more comments gratefully accepted. thanks!

  11. #11
    virgin by request ;) Chilihost's Avatar
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    Oct 2003
    one HUGE thing that has helped our retention is regular updates and [Imore importantly informing your members when they are getting updates. After logging in, our members see a landing page that says something like:
    April 18 - added 2 more videos - click here
    April 15 - new live show added, check it out here
    April 12 - new photos added, view them here
    April 11 - click here to see the 3 new videos added

    that way when a new member joins they can see that this is a dynamic site that is worth sticking around and also all existing members always see what is new right after they log in and can get to them by clicking directly on the link provided. And yes, you do have to update your sites at least once a week to keep members coming back. Plus give them a variety of updates, like Lee said, sometimes its nice to check out some pro photos or videos too!

    One other thing, have you thought about dropping your trials? I know this seems strange, but when we dropped our trials our sales only dropped slightly but more importantly our retention skyrocketed. The overall effect was a few less members but more cash for both us and our affiliates.

    good luck with it, let us know how it goes.


  12. #12
    chick with a bass basschick's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    thanks, luke - and lee! we have tried with and without trials, but so far, i'm underwhelmed. i have gotten comments from a few people and agreed with them wholeheartedly, but before i started making changes, i wanted to get the word from webmasters who i respect - you and lee are way up there, as are a lot of folks on this board, so this is where i turned.

  13. #13

    I'm not a paysite expert...

    however as a webmaster I have a few comments...

    I think all the content is too organized...
    too easy too snag to fast...
    and at a glance - easy for the surfer to see there's
    currently only 3 pages worth of men's clips to choose from...
    that's only about 8 days worth of surfer-jerking fodder...

    I think that the best of the best should always be upfront...
    and then a click over via text link or naviational button
    to the NEWEST or Most Recently Added (an another page)
    and those should be listed as Luke suggested:

    April 18 - added 2 more videos - click here
    April 15 - new live show added, check it out here
    April 12 - new photos added, view them here
    April 11 - click here to see the 3 new videos added

    I think that if a surfer comes in and watches them in order
    as you have them now - with the best NOT first...
    that surfer may watch the video clips of maybe 1 or 2 or 3 men
    in the order that you have them now - and then the surfer
    would determine that they aren't good enough to stay past the
    trial and they'd hurry up and go ahead and cancel before forgetting
    so there wouldn't be a rebill - - - knowing that they still
    have another day or two before their trial period ends (or
    the rest of the month if it were the monthly subscription)
    they'd feel that they already had more than enough time without
    needed to stay - since there was ONLY three pages worth of
    content... and that won't take long to go through...

    you might want to consider only putting 3 or 4 men per page
    to make it have more pages - giving the site the appearnce
    that there's pages and pages worth of content - instead of
    just three pages...

    the reason I think the best should be first is:
    they'd get so HOT that they'd cum on just those
    one or two (BEST) guys vids and feel that they still
    have lots of mens vids to see so they'll need to come
    back again (next time they are horny) and look at more...
    and generally that's every other day or every 3 days
    the surfer will want to "GO" again... (wink)

    I think the sound (volume) quality is poor (on the first one)
    I didn't watch everything... but the man askig the questions
    was easy to hear... and the meats answers were hard to hear...

    another way to interest a surfer to stay is to entice with
    a series... (want to hear more about that ??)

    I do however like the fact that the site isn't all
    techie and high tech... I have no interest in the glitzy
    obviously porn conglomerate type sites... not even if they
    have tons more videos, games, etc...

    I feel if a surfer feels more part of the site
    like he's watching a site grow and unfold at a steady pace
    as opposed to already full of the same ole same ole he
    can get anywhere - - - I feel you'll have a better chance
    of him hanging around...

    I think the lighting and shadowing on the videos needs work..
    hot spots, glare, excessive shadowing...

    I didn't have a problem with the camera moving around...
    but it was obvious that if made the meat uncomfortable..
    and if you'd had multiple stationary camera's on tripods
    at different angles and heights and better sound...
    and then everyone but the meat left the room - so he'd
    be less inhibited (unless he's an exhibitionist to begin with)
    then I think the end result even though you'd need to splice
    I still think the end result in what you could get FROM your
    meat (model) would be more unihibited... and tell them in
    advance - sounds... moans... words.. are a bonus...even
    grunts and groans... if not fake...

    you need text in the members area...
    even more so than chat (in my opinion)

    you need a section where mmembers can leave feedback or

    I didn't watch but one or two vids
    so you might already have this...
    but - it would be nice to see an occassional model eat his cum...
    or smear it on himself...

    you may already have this somewhere - but I ddin't see
    it... I think you might also want to consider putting up a
    page for prospective models to contact you if they would
    like to JO for the site... and let them know you travel...
    or could arrange for their video session no matter where
    they lived in the world... proper ID required, and model
    releases... etc.... etc...

    I would most definitely be interested in you letting us go
    back in - after you've made whatever changes you and your
    team come up with - so we can have another looksee...

    thanks for sharing your work with us...

    and best wishes to you...

    Last edited by Bell; 04-18-2004 at 05:10 AM.

  14. #14
    Too much talkin'... not enough jackin'!

    As a surfer, I don't want to hear these guys talking, unless they are taking off their clothes and exploring their bodies at the same time. I honestly don't think guys are going to sit and listen to these interviews, but then again, maybe female surfers will.

    The action parts were great! The camera moving around isn't distracting to me at all. Are you selling this content? I would like to purchase some of these vids. I've seen "Mitch" at Ounique.

    The members area is fine, but I don't particularly care for the robin's egg blue.

    Maybe add a couple pages of stock amateur videos as filler. MaxPixels and Ounique have some good amateur stuff. I would also add a plug-in or 2. CruiserBoys and/or Squirtz would work fine as bonus content on this site.

    KEEP PLUGGING! I think you have a winner here!
    Last edited by Xstr8guy; 04-18-2004 at 11:25 AM.

  15. #15
    Oops. After exploring the site more, I found the AEBN feeds and the stock videos. I guess my suggestions are worthless. Maybe you could make these links a little more obvious. An index page with links to the different areas might be a good idea.

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