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Thread: pictures - - - info

  1. #1

    pictures - - - info

    I have a question about posting pictures here on this board....

    when we go to upload it from our hd
    once it appears ON the post
    is it then transferred to the server that this board is on
    and the bandwith used to make the picture viewable to others
    comes from the board owners - or does the bandwith to show
    the picture come from the person posting the picture ??

    is there a picture size maximum guideline here ??



  2. #2
    Once the photo's been uploaded it resides on the board. So you don't lose any bandwidth from it once it's up. But the board itself has to allocate space to store all of the images.

  3. #3
    Originally posted by BDBionic
    Once the photo's been uploaded it resides on the board. So you don't lose any bandwidth from it once it's up. But the board itself has to allocate space to store all of the images.

    thanks brian...

    is there a size per pic limit you wish to stay under ??


  4. #4
    102400 bytes i think is what the board has set as the max.
    so just over 100k

  5. #5
    Originally posted by BDBionic
    102400 bytes i think is what the board has set as the max.
    so just over 100k


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