Dear Lee Windsor,

We have uncovered an error in our payout scripts that resulted in an overpayment of $ 3.34 to you for clicks to For Mature Audiences Only on account XXXXXX. Where possible, we have recouped this overpayment from your current payout. If you do not have enough revenue in your current payout, your account will now have a negative balance. We will continue to recoup any outstanding overpayment amounts from future revenue earned until the balance is retired.

We have made certain this error won't happen again. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation and we sincerely apologize for the inconvenience. We value your business. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call.

Warmest Regards,
Becky DeForest
I can appreciate the fact they screwed up on payouts without a problem but, FMAO was supposed to make us more revenues after they closed down all the GIM sites.. in all honesty collectively GA and I have made less than $10 on FMAO traffic on the few remaining links we do still have going to them, now they are going to tell us that amount is actually higher than it should be?

Sorry but, looks like we just lost a sponsor.

