Club6pack (

$9.97 a month for members
60% affiliate payout (for life)

6 full length videos with galleries updated with 3 news ones every week.
18 full length videos a month.
100's of photos

300kbps, 600kbps, 1500kbps on most movies.
Streaming and download.

DRM protected so users can save to their computer and collect ALL videos and play them as long as they are a member.
For a small fee you could have over 216 full length videos you can play any time at super hi-res quality.

We will have some standard content but also worked out deals with buzzwest, chaosmen, cmh studios, perfectguyz, and more. Once in awhile we will get content that is exclusive only to other membership sites.

All this for $9.97 a month for life (limited time)
Affiliates that sign up in the next three months will get 60% affiliate payout for LIFE even when the base membership fee is increased.

If you have exclusive content or membership site content you want to work out a me and I can contact the site owner.

Affiliate Link: (

Designed and hosted by Red Apple Media
Contact us for design, programing and hosting your sites.