We have reason to believe that scripts (ie: feed93z.pl, feed37z.pl) are running on servers hosted at theplanet.com that have been illegally creating listings in Google containing thousands of adult domain names and keywords.

We ran a search for our domain "preview address4sex.com" and found a bunch of listings many pointing to extrememoviepass.com/t1/revs=1075785/index.html

Further down the Google page we found an error listing generated by a script that failed to run and we were able to identify the hosting IP from the error message. Script failed to run: as found in the following:

Warning: fopen( [function.fopen]: failed to open.............

The hosting company is "Everyones Internet" now owned by Theplanet.com in Houston TX.

Please run a Google search for "hulahur.yi.org". It appears that they had an error running with "hulahur.yi.org" as you can see by the thousands of listings (30,400) created by this error. . This should give you a good idea at the size of this scam.

We also located other scams running script at This IP is also hosted at Theplanet.com. Many of these redirect to ridingboots.net and shorgy.com.

I have to assume that the owners of these sites are responsible for these phony redirects. The extrememoviepass link most likely has these same guys as an affiliate ( #1075785 ) relationship.

Please check to see if your domains have been run through any of these schemes. They appear to all be currently hosted at Theplanet.com

You can help by reporting this to abuse@theplanet.com as well as the abuse links at Google. I'm not sure what can be done to get these guys but something needs to be done with scum like this that most likely use Apache Redirects to steal traffic from the rest of us.

Thanks for taking the time to read this.

Steve - Address4sex.com