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Thread: updating blogs

  1. #1
    the queerest straight girl in the world...
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Firenze and San Francisco

    updating blogs

    I know this converstation just took place here, but I cannot find the link!

    How do I set up my blogs so that i can do multiple updates and simply feed them out? I know it CAN be done, but I havent the foggiest idea how!


  2. #2
    Moderator Bec's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    I'm not clear on what you want to do ... if you're wanting to take one blog and do all the posts to it, and then use an rss feed to import them to your other blogs, you'll want something like the wp-autoblog plugin. It lets you import other rss feeds, and you can change it, turn it on or off or whatever as you wish. I'm not sure if it's still available, if not, try this one: for the Feedlist Plugin.

    If you're wanting to sit and do a bunch of posts, and then schedule them to post at a future time, you're editing the timestamp. It's on the right side in the write post page kinda near the bottom. Change it to the date and time you want the post to appear, and hit publish. It won't appear until the date you've selected. If you're doing this, I highly recommend you install the Post-Schedule-Ping-Optimizer plugin and setup the cron job it requires. It will then ping sites when the post actually goes live, and not when you hit the publish button, and you can edit all you want and it won't reping sites, saving you from getting banned for spamming. -- it's worth taking a minute to enter an email address to get this tool!

  3. #3
    Moderator Bec's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Oh, and just a note on that optimizer - it needs the wp-content folder to be chmoded to 777 inorder to create the file it needs to operate. So do that before activating it.

  4. #4
    the queerest straight girl in the world...
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    Firenze and San Francisco
    Thank you Bec!

    What we are trying to do is to put a blog on all of our sites (and a few others) - and to use these to feature our upcoming models. However, none of us want to update 6 blogs by hand every time we need to say whats coming next!

    I will pass this along to my webmaster, and I really appreciate your help!

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