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Thread: Finally the $495 SPAM 2Million Guy!!!

  1. #1
    In2 Piss & Pits ArmpitLover's Avatar
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    Los Angeles, CA

    Finally the $495 SPAM 2Million Guy!!!

    Mail Servers around the world may get a break for a while
    Domain inventory sale.

  2. #2
    virgin by request ;) Chilihost's Avatar
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    Oct 2003
    lets hope so, looking at this morning's mail, about 90%+ of all my email is spam now.

  3. #3
    I hear ya. Seems like it's been increasing for me lately.

  4. #4
    Ah, 80 Hour Work Weeks, The American Dream! tombarr's Avatar
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    Who Knows anymore?
    For one of the top 10 spammers in the world he did not seem to make a whole lot of money doing it. The government estimates he made $773,000 since 2003 .. Seems like being one of the top 10, and judging from how much our system was overwhelmed at times with zombie spam maybe the government does not know how much money he made or he just was not very good at what he was doing. I would have thought he had made much more with as agressive as he was at spamming.

  5. #5
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    New Orleans, Louisiana.

    That 773k figure is what they want him to forfeit, he could easily have made MILLIONS but all the gov wants from him is $773k.

    Its like when other companies get taken to court, they might have bilked millions of dollars from investors, whatever, but the gov will always ask for a measly amount in terms of what the company/individual actually made.



  6. #6
    Words paint the real picture gaystoryman's Avatar
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    One down, a whole bunch more to get and so far it sure hasn't given my inbox any breaks... spam and spam and more spam. grrrrrrrrrr
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  7. #7
    In2 Piss & Pits ArmpitLover's Avatar
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    Los Angeles, CA
    That Damn Rolex one is pissing me off!
    Domain inventory sale.

  8. #8
    Words paint the real picture gaystoryman's Avatar
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    western canada
    One getting to me is the damn russian broad who wants to meet me to please me... she just won't take no for an answer.. :kickcan:
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  9. #9
    On the other hand.... You have different fingers
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    San Francisco
    You guys should all invest in AppRiver SecureTide (stupid name, I know) This is a hosted service with an active spam filter, adjusted dozens of times each day by a staff that's there 24/7. They receive your mail, filter it, and forward it on to you in a matter of a few seconds. Since we've used them, our inbox spam has gone from hundreds of messages per day to maybe 3 or 4, with ZERO false positives.

    I couldn't be happier with this service. It's about $20/month at retail, if anyone is really interested, we have a reseller account and can get it cheaper, I think it's about $10/month depending on number of mailboxes you have.

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