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Thread: Gay Web Users + Their Tastes

  1. #1
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    New Orleans, Louisiana.

    I Wonder? Gay Web Users + Their Tastes

    I have been thinking about this for a day or two now and, not being able to find any documented research on the subject i figured i would bring it to the community and ask you for your input on the subject..

    Do you think that specific tastes in the gay market, by tastes i mean niches that our surfers get interested in, are outgrown once the surfer hits a certain age? For example, does Joe surfer start off liking twinks then once he hits a certain age, does he find himself looking for Asian twinks or Ebony twinks?

    If so, how long do you think it takes a gay surfer to actually get a specific 'type' of site that he looks for regularly or, does this evolution of the surfers taste never stop?

    Curious to hear your replies on this topic



  2. #2
    virgin by request ;) Chilihost's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Personally, some of my preferences have changed over the years and some others have not. I am sure this is the case with surfers as well, this is probably why the sudden explosion of reality sites, since surfers have grown tired of looking at those perfect body twinks or studs and want something more realistic.


  3. #3
    Well the best part about fetish's is that they always evolve into new concepts. For instance at one time I was really into studly guys but not military specifically. Then I found the mil niche and merged the studly and the mil and now have a new fetish. I dont think people "age out" of interests, I think they take the old interests and combine them with new interests. I do know men that at one time were really into the Daddy niche but now that they are 40+ they are into the boy these are 2 side of the same coin but its interesting to know that they just switched interests becuase they got older.

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