Greetings, as some of you know I have a podcast and blog site called Jaded City. I'm the dude that was raising money for the AIDS ride. By the way, I reached my goal, woohoo.

Any ever, Jaded City is in the process of changing from just a blog to a social networking site. We have already added a directory which currently only lists other podcasts and blogs.

I want to expand that directory to include both general gay sites and gay porn sites. I'm sure I can figure out the category headings for the general gay sites, but I'm not much of a porn watcher and I have been having trouble figuring out what categories I need for the porn section of the directory. I don't want to leave anything out and I don't want a carbon copy other directories because, well it's just rude. So I figured I would come ask the experts.

I know there are hundreds of different niches and types of site out there, but I don't want that many categories or the directory would become super messy. So if you were limited to divide gay porn sites into say, 15 categories, what would they be? Thanks...