I have been in the biz. since 2004 and today was the 1st time someone would not do biz. with me because of it. Called a bookkeeper this afternoon to make an appointment for him to come by and set up quickbooks for my s-corp. Explained my situation and made it very clear that I ran adult websites. Asked if it was going to be a problem and dude said "it's not something I approve of so I'll come by and start to set you up and if it's an issue, I'll leave and won't charge you". I said okay and that was that.

About 10 minutes later dude calls me back saying he has had time to think about it and he does not want to deal with me because of the industry I do business in. I told him I understood and hung up. More I think about it, the more I am getting mad. Fuck him. His loss.
