Congrats to Colt Studios!

One of the new "American Gladiators" has a resume in gay porn films.

Alex "Militia" Castro is a gay porn icon. Militia is in fact former Colt Studios model Elian Cortez........ Producers at American Gladiators had "revisionist spin" for regarding Alex's previous work: "It looks like all he did for COLT was to pose for some nude photos with no involvment in films of any kind."

"American Gladiators" official site reports that the 6-foot, 3-inch, 220-pound Gladiator targets his opponents with tactical precision. With an impressive arsenal of skills at his disposal, he is well equipped for any operation and will do anything to complete his objective. Once Militia has you in his sights, you'd better have a plan, or the game is over.

More info can be found at the source