Hey there guys ! The website that I work for just upened a new adult auction site ! and i was wondering if any onf you would like to try it out ? We are brand new so im really looking forward to hearing feedback on the quality of the site !! so if anyone can please check it out and write me .. that would be great !!


and my email is


here is our add

xpix.com has just launched a new adult auction site www.xpixinc.com/auction We are inviting new members to post their auctions for FREE! Want to sell your old or new videos or dvd's online? Not to mention toys, underware, and everything in between, new or used? Well this is the place to do it. Not only do we have thousands of people visiting the site each day for the auctions, xpix is one of the leading market places in the adult community. Feel free to check it out. Please e-mail me at adrian@xpix.com for all details for posting your auctions for free! Hope to hear from you soon.