
I registered a domain name with the number "411" in it and was wondering if this number means anything to people outside of the United States. If you didn't know, 411 is the number we previuosly called for directory assistance. I say previously because with so many cell phones and the fact that most phone companies charge for directory assistance, I don't think 411 is used much anymore. But I still think "411" is ingrained in American slang as a synonym for information, which is why I chose it.

Do you think non-Americans associate "411" with information?

By the way, this is for a gay site that will provide reviews and information (the domain is Dick411). One of the reasons I thought 411 is well known is because Bear411 uses it and they seem to have a ton of members from all over the world. But that could have nothing to do with knowing what 411 means I suppose.

Thanks in advance for your input!