i know, i know...this is "old" news for everyone, but i'm a little behind, ok?

what's the scoop with the whole Manhunt.net and Republican Party issue? i guess the owner or the board of Manhunt.net donated the max allowed amount to the McCain/Palin campaign?

can somebody fill me in with the details? i'm totally in the dark.

ok, i'm the first to admit that i'm totally IGNORANT on this topic. i don't know the details of what happened, and i never even had a Manhunt account (i cruise for sex the old fashioned way..in bars and restrooms and parks and such).

all my friends are freaking out and everyone i know has cancelled their Manhunt account. what is this about? my friends who work for companies who advertise on Manhunt have gotten hate mail. the companies who advertise on Manhunt have been asked by their customers to pull their advertising from Manhunt or the customers will cancel? a friend of mine had 3 or 4 customers threatening to chargeback if their company did not pull their ads from Manhunt immediately.

what is the meaning of this madness? i just don't understand. you can be gay AND republican, right? i don't see a problem with that. and who's business is it where a company spends their money?

is this paranoia? ignorance? people just going along with the crowd?