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  1. #1

    Anyone know who owns this site and approximately what someone could make from a site like this?

    This is about the only porn surfing I do now days. I can wasted several hours flipping from cam to cam, looking for bigger and better dick. It's very addictive!

    Webcamnow's best feature is that it is truly free... you just need to pay $10 a month for quicker refreshes. Alas, they do not have a sponsor program.

    Are their any good webcam sponsor programs out there?

    What would a script like this cost?

  2. #2
    Guest is faaaaaaaaantastic. I know several webmasters who cruise it for models, too.
    Plus I have a couple friends who hit it up - armed with their paypal accounts - whenever they need a lil extra cash haha.

    "I'm just a poor lil straight boy willing to j/o for ya on cam if you paypal me $100"

    I wish they had an affiliate program as well. I emailed them awhile back asking if they were going to ever pick one up but I think they still try and pass themselves off as something that isn't decidedly adult? It's an awesome site tho

  3. #3
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    New Orleans, Louisiana.
    Originally posted by BDBionic
    I know several webmasters who cruise it for models, too.
    What do you mean? Cruise it for models TOO? LOL



  4. #4
    Hmm...perhaps we should mention them in Cybersocket Web Magazine!

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