2008 was a good year. Up appreciably from 2007. Dec 2008 was a percentage point or two lower than Dec 2007 - but then on Jan 2 one partner posted all sorts of sales that must have been orders made a day or two before NYE, so the numbers for 2008 are skewed a bit into 2009.

Anyway, I'm thinking I could use an extra $50 per day, to raise my lifestyle to the next level in my travel adventures.

Short of Lee and HDKBill sending me some ePassporte crumbs from their overflowing tables, I'm thinking there must be something simple and easy to hook on to.

You know you get to the point where stuff you do reaches the glass ceiling, and that's what it's going to be. And then you look to add something more...

Since I produce and webmaster, I can maybe promote a program, maybe get some webmasters to promote me, or...?

For webmasters who promote sponsor's programs, how many of you have thought of promoting some of the fun gay and otherwise nude male content on Amazon.com ?

Amazon.com pays affiliate rev share. They call it "Associates". You get paid per purchase - not only on stuff you promote, but the other wonderful stuff they sell - as long as the cookie sits untouched on the customer's harddrive.

I like having my DVDs and paperback booklets of photos there.



You can do a keyword search on gay and nude and other possibilities, or look at some of my titles, which Amazon then shows "related" products by other studios.

If you're looking for something new and additional to promote, with the side benefit of millions of products to possibly also earn from, check out being an Amazon Associate, by putting up a blog or soft core (censored genitalia or not) fan site and attract some eyes and clicks.

Then I need to put on my thinking cap as well.