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Thread: Are There Foods You Just Cant Cook No Matter How Hard You Try?

  1. #1
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    New Orleans, Louisiana.

    Are There Foods You Just Cant Cook No Matter How Hard You Try?

    For some reason, no matter how much attention i pay whilst cooking, i just cant fry an egg so that it is 'over-easy' or cook rice so that it either isnt still hard or, turns out like mush.

    I have tried and tried to do this but no matter what, my egg yolks always break and my rice typically turns in to mush.

    What foods do you seem to be unable to cook properly?



  2. #2
    Gay Journalist and erotic video producer.
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Itinerant photographer, now in Liverpool... and on Stripchat and Streamen and Chaturbate.
    But friend eggs aren't healthy food, so NEXT!

  3. #3
    Gay Journalist and erotic video producer.
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    Itinerant photographer, now in Liverpool... and on Stripchat and Streamen and Chaturbate.
    One of the secrets to good rice or pasta - even though I can't eat pasta (gluten intolerance) - is waiting until the water is rapidly boiling before introducing the rice or pasta, and not over filling the pan/kettle with too much rice/pasta in relation to the amount of water.

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