When it comes to the sites you build, the niches you promote and the content you use, how often do you switch out your marketing techniques?

Do you tend to use the same techniques whichever site or niche you are promoting (just changing the wording) or do you try to use a variety of marketing techniques to generate sales to your sponsors sites?

I ask because last week i had an affiliate ask me why he wasnt making any sales to one of the Condom Cash sites he was promoting whilst several other were doing fine, it turns out, he was using the same selling techniques for each of the sites he was promoting, with the same traffic sources for each (TGP) and same layouts on all of his sites.

I said he would probably benefit from switching up the type of marketing technique he was using, rather than constantly saying stuff like 'take the free tour' or 'click here to join now' he should try changing it to more of a sale pitch saying something along the lines of 'click here to see more rough sex pictures' or 'see more naked men inside Mature Dudes for just $1 a day'.

It turns out he changed how he marketed the site he was having difficulty selling, as well as his free site layout and over the weekend he made 5 sales because of it.

So, how often do you folks swap out the techniques you use to promote your various sponsors and when you do, do you see an increase in sales because of the changes?

