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Thread: So We're Finalizing Our EBooks Ready For Promotion

  1. #1
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    New Orleans, Louisiana.

    So We're Finalizing Our EBooks Ready For Promotion

    We have a designer finally working on the promo banners and some other headers for new sites for our EBook sites and i have to say, im actually pretty excited about launching this new program.

    Even though it isnt adult, over the past few months while i have been testing some of these ebooks on our own in-house traffic sources, and some of the traffic that our non-adult program manager Brandon has been using on the sites, we've seen some really impressive results.

    I actually havent felt this nervous launching a new product since we launched Condom Cash 3 years ago LOL

    Anyway, will let you folks get first look at the site/s once they are all finally ready including the new affiliate program site which i am hoping will be ready sometime next week

    Oh, and i guess i should also get Brandon over here and introduced to you folks to so you can get to know him a little better as well, he's going to have quite a presence on various webmaster message boards over the coming months, especially on the mainstream side of things



  2. #2
    I've always been openly gay. It would never occur to me to behave otherwise. maxx68's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Central Florida, USA
    Congrats, Lee..I envy you're success. I certainly hope being a member of this board will cause some of your good luck, work ethic and determination to rub off!:moneybags:

  3. #3
    I Giggle Like A Girl Every Time I Hear The Word 'Watersports'
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    sounds good i cant wait to see what type of sites you have i might use some of them on my no entry links like i do with your evidence wipe software if they look good and will sell

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