So we just got back from dinner at moms a little while ago and started having a discussion about how much the phone line, internet connection and cable costs.

Well i thought i read somewhere that it is possible (so long as you are in a 3G network area) to use some device that would work like a cable box which you connect to your TV and actually get cable channels as if you were still paying for them from the cable provider legally.

I also seem to recall something about there being a lead which you can connect to an iPhone to use that (in a 3G network area) to power your laptop or PCs internet connection.

Does anyone actually know anything about this? I know right now i can wirelessly connect a HD we have in the office to a laptop that we have setup on our main TV to play DVDs that i have digitized and also some movies that i downloaded from the Apple store, could it be possible, 3g coverage allowing, to totally get rid of cable/landline and internet connection bills?

