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Thread: After Having Fucked The Adult Industry From The Inside For So Long...

  1. #1
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
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    WTF? After Having Fucked The Adult Industry From The Inside For So Long...

    The FSC has finally realized that they wont be getting any more 'funding' from individuals working in the adult industry so naturally, they are going after consumers wallets now...

    CANOGA PARK, Calif. — The Free Speech Coalition in the coming months plans to roll out a new organization that is designed to complement the 18-year-old trade advocacy group.
    The Free Speech Alliance, or FSA, is planned to become an educational vehicle for public at large, according to FSC Executive Director Diane Duke.

    “As the world changes, we want people to know the real issues of free speech, sexual expression and censorship,” Duke told XBIZ. "While the FSC is more B2B, the FSA will reach out to consumers."

    Duke said that the new group, which will run under the nonprofit 501(c)(3) IRS tax status, plans to have no membership and instead will rely on donor contributions to fund it. (The FSC’s current IRS tax status is 501(c)(6).)

    “The Free Speech Alliance is part of the FSC’s three-year plan, and we’re about 75 percent through the process of getting it going,” she said.

    Duke, however, did give XBIZ a glimpse of what the new group will offer.

    “Our plan is to possibly fund research papers, include a speaker’s bureau and offer a website, with periodical newsletters,” she said.

    Duke said the next step for the new FSA will be to hand pick between five to 15 board members, who will then scribe a mission statement and strategic plan.

    What do you think about this, do you think an organization that has failed so miserably representing the industry from the inside, should be representing us to our consumers?



  2. #2 hdkbill's Avatar
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    Lee, for the life of me I don't understand why you say that the FSC has failed so miserably in representing the adult industry. Who would you say has done a better job?

    I personally think they have done a damn good job representing us especially considering the limited amount of funds that have to work with.

    Only the FSC has fought for us in court and certainly slowed down the 2257 inspections. It was they that forced the DoJ to re-write the 2257 regs.

    They were there when nobody else gave a shit about the adult industry.

    Also, I don't understand why you say that they aren't going to be getting any more funding from individuals in the adult industry. Your crystal ball must be a hell of a lot better than mine. I've donated to them personally and our company does as well. I don't see that changing anytime in the future, especially for those of us who produce adult content.

    And, I see nothing wrong with the FSC letting individuals know that the FSC fights for the 1st Amendment rights of everyone, whether individuals or businesses.


  3. #3
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
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    Quote Originally Posted by hdkbill View Post
    I personally think they have done a damn good job representing us especially considering the limited amount of funds that have to work with.

    A year or two back they released their financials.

    They had 1 MILLION DOLLARS in donations.

    Of which about $100,000 actually went towards anything of substance.

    The remaining $900,000+ was accounted for by trips to hotels, restaurants, fund raisers, etc, etc...

    It was later found out that at the fund raisers, for every dollar that they raised, they actually spent $3.



  4. #4
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
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    Sorry i lied in the post above...

    The FSC actually spent $75,000 on actual 'legal' stuff of the $1 million they raised.

    I was also incorrect about them spending $3 to raise $1 in fund raising, the figure was actually $2.50 spent, to raise $1.



  5. #5 hdkbill's Avatar
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    One thing I learned a long time ago is not necessarily to believe everything I read online. Especially if it is on a forums site like GFY.

    The numbers quoted by Mike South were hand fed to him by a former contract employee of the FSC who had an ax to grind with the FSC after his services were no longer needed. Liars figure and figures lie and the numbers quoted by Mike South are a good example of that.

    The FSC has an overall budget of less than $1 million and with those funds they operate out of a less than luxurious office in Canoga Park, CA, with a very limited staff, and are active lobbying in DC and in California on behalf of the adult industry. In addition, Diane Duke, the FSC Ex. Dir., attends most of the adult trade shows speaking on behalf of the FSC. And Lee, you and I both know that going to all these damn trade shows is no picnic and I'm sure Diane would quit attending them at the drop of a hat if she could.

    In any event, you and I are never going to agree where the FSC is concerned so I guess the best we can do is to agree to disagree but as long as I am in the adult industry, I'm going to continue to support the only lobbying group who is looking out for our mutual interests. Sure doesn't seem like anyone else is doing it.



  6. #6
    Hot guys & hard cocks Squirt's Avatar
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    The only thing that sticks in my mind regarding the FSC was how scared some in the industry were that Acacia was going to sue them, some were already paying Acacia at the time and I remember the FSC offering some kind of solice
    at the time then the 2257 inspections scare started and the FSC offered solice then as well.

    Then I googled FSC and this came up, then I was impressed. Maybe if I looked into them more I'd be more impressed I dunno.
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