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Thread: Do You Think It Is Possible For Someone To Make Sales...

  1. #1
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
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    Do You Think It Is Possible For Someone To Make Sales...

    With absolutely ZERO spent on investment by entering the industry today?

    I was checking some of the my old haunts out when i first started in the business and despite a lot of them being dead or slower than Forest Gump, it seems quite a few of the people posting information back then were telling newbs that they didnt necessarily have to spend hundreds of dollars each month on hosting, content, etc...

    I actually remember one month doing nothing but using free hosting, content, traffic sources, etc and making around $400 in one day from a listing on at Maxcash.

    Do you think, given the right tools, programs and motivation, it would be possible for someone entering the business today to actually generate income during a month using nothing but sponsors content, free hosting and free sources of traffic etc?



  2. #2
    I am not gay but I have slept with some guys who are
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lee View Post
    I actually remember one month doing nothing but using free hosting, content, traffic sources, etc and making around $400 in one day from a listing on at Maxcash.
    Don't remind me - the difference now gives me a headache.

    As to your question - I've no idea - I was amazed the other day to see a freehosted gallery listed somewhere.

  3. #3
    Am i gay? Am i straight? And then i realized ... I'm just slutty. Evil Ryan's Avatar
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    I feel that "motivation" can be found in many different forms depending on the situation and person. A drug dealer could be motivated by how well there product sells. A Best Buy sales associate could be motivated by a new guitar hero game coming out. I guess what im trying to say's all about how you direct your own personal motivation into whatever your venturing into. I know; personally, When i find a good motive for something i usually stick with it.
    Condom Cash - Gay Affiliate Program
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  4. #4
    Morals...what morals? SirGuy's Avatar
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    I imagine its still possible today...but not as easy as it was years ago.

    We started out with free hosting back in 1999 (with - but after two weeks we were notified by them about using more than 2gB of bandwidth a day - so we had to go shopping for a hosting company that could easily handle that and more.

    Back then we were creating our own content with a $400 Olympus digital cam and a few homemade props we'd built ourselves to adorn the studio we'd set up in our basement rec room, .

    We were truly shoestring budget back then.

    A decade later we're up to more than $80k invested in gear and various overhead productions costs. How we got this far still remains a mystery to me, .
    Kastle Archives Productions Inc. (est. 1999)
    Male bondage & fetish photography

  5. #5
    Words paint the real picture gaystoryman's Avatar
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    With zero spent? NO. I mean come on, nothing? Even a simple domain is less than $10, hosting is maybe about another $60 to $120 a year, so to me, that is cheap, and doable. But with no money being spent, no. :fool:
    Webmasters: Add Custom Stories To Your Sites Custom Gay Stories

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  6. #6
    Believe it or not, I know it can be done because I actually started experimenting a few months back with a free blog host. I set up a small blog network featuring 5 niches. All images are hosted on free servers, the hosting costs me nothing, and the only thing I invest is time for the writing and minimal image editing - I like collages.

    I too, wanted to see if it could be done these days and although the sales aren't as good as they were 5-6 years ago when I first tried this, money is coming in.

    There are some factors here to consider though. A complete newbie probably wouldn't know how to "sell" a site or a niche like I can. I'm no guru, but I've come a long way in over 5 years. Also, I seem to have a knack for writing effective porn text and as we all know that can be a large part of sales in the long run.

    If a person has some kind of an inkling of how to sell something and does it right, I truly believe they can supplement their income using nothing but freebies available to all who are willing to put in the work.

    Let's not forget though, will the images always be there and how long will the free blog host be around for? I'm using tried and true sources that have been around for a while so I can't see things disappearing on me soon.

    Although this was an interesting experiment and has turned out to be fruitful, I would still recommend to a newbie to pay for their own domains and at least some cheap virtual hosting. It is much more lucrative and logical in the long run.

  7. #7
    Am I Bitter?...Absolutely
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    Yep, for sure its still posiible to make a sale on freehosted blog for example. But you still have to invest into a computer and internet access
    The other question HOW MANY sales you can make with zero investment. - fresh twinks and best ratio! Highly recommended!

  8. #8
    I Giggle Like A Girl Every Time I Hear The Word 'Watersports'
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    i think it might be but it will be hard i bought a domain name and some hosting and got some cheap content and made some sales in my first few weeks and slowly keep making more and that is with paid stuff so i think it will be a lot harder if it is being done for free.

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