back when I had my paysites and program running I did it all messed up

I built prolly 6 paysites first, then a broken program (it was just a page on V1rtualdesires) then I moved the page to it's on domain that had NOTHING to do with the company name

Then I merged all 6 paysites into one big mega site, opened up the program and then launch 4 new paysites.

It was a clusterfuck at first but then again it was 10 years ago and I learned from my mistakes .

in 2006 when I went to open a second program I build the affil program first and as I shot the content I would make the promo content for the affil program, IF it would have worked right everything would have launched at the same time

But flaky models and poorly worded contracts (and inept lawyers ) saw that program fold prior to a full rollout.
