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Thread: Gay Pride In Canada?? Stats Canada Revealed

  1. #1

    Gay Pride In Canada?? Stats Canada Revealed

    Members of the country’s gay community are contesting the results of the first-ever nation-wide survey on sexual orientation, saying the numbers don’t add up and are significantly lower than the truth.

    The poll reveals that one per cent of Canadians identify themselves as homosexual and 0.7 per cent are bisexuals.

    Data also showed 1.3 per cent of men are gay and 0.7 per cent of women are lesbians. More females are bisexual – 0.9 per cent, compared to 0.6 of males.


    Laurie Arron of the gay rights didnt like the report, said people would not report their sexual indentity - that its under reported. Problem is that the survey itself is done in such a way that no one names are used, so there is no reason to lie about what your preference is, much less those I know are very proud of who they are and they do not face a backlash - so no pressure exists.

    Hate to think that the pride parade in toronto is basically all that there is

  2. #2
    at first I was a bit shocked. Those numbers seemed really low. then I took a look at the breakdown by province, and I smelled a rat.

    You mean to tell me that there are more gay people per capita in New Brunswick than in Ontario?


    I grew up out in New Brunswick in a little piss-hole called Sackville. Every single gay guy I knew in high school moved to Toronto at their first chance. There's virtually no gay community out there, and there are huge gay communities all over the place in Ontario. These numbers simply have to be wrong... I'd like to take a look at their methodology and how they found their test subjects before I made any real judgements or accusations, but.. something just ain't right there.

    It would be like saying that there are more gay people per capita in West Virginia than in California or New York State. And... um.... no way.

  3. #3
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    New Orleans, Louisiana.
    I would have to agree with Jasun on this about those figures being off by a great deal.

    Of course if you actually 'ask' anyone any type of question for polls like this they will most likely not choose the right option anyway.



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