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Thread: X On Demand Payments - When Did You Get Your Last One?

  1. #1
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
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    X On Demand Payments - When Did You Get Your Last One?

    So i have literally just realized that we havent had any payments from XOD in close to two years, has anyone else been receiving payments from XOD or have they pretty much closed down shop and done a runner?



  2. #2
    Gay Journalist and erotic video producer.
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    Itinerant photographer, now in Liverpool... and on Stripchat and Streamen and Chaturbate.
    Rob Hoover
    (800) 347-8884 x117
    Fax (215) 689-2441
    ICQ# 141219478

    As a studio, I don't earn much from X On Demand, but I did receive a payment(s) a couple of times last year.

    In November, I was contacted by a consultant of theirs, that they were working on a new product to launch. That died Dec 31 2009.

    My studio contact there stopped returning my e-mails in Dec.

    A Contact Us form message has not been replied to. A mail to Rob has not been replied to.

    I would like my DVDs back.

    A year or 2 ago they moved to Charlotte - down the street from AEBN. I wish they could form a merger to preserve our content, and revenue.

  3. #3
    Gay Journalist and erotic video producer.
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    Itinerant photographer, now in Liverpool... and on Stripchat and Streamen and Chaturbate.
    Rob Hoover,
    Direct (860) 343-9050
    Cell (860) 558-1134
    Fax (215) 689-2441
    ICQ# 141219478

  4. #4
    Gay Journalist and erotic video producer.
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    It does make me nervous when any of my revenue providers don't update their stats at least daily.

    My #2 (sometimes #3) biggest hasn't updated since Tuesday.

    I don't get how a company can have so short a depth of staff, or be re-writing the source code, or whatever, to not be able to do financial reporting at least daily.

  5. #5
    Professional pervert
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    Or, at the very least, let you know in advance that they're not updating daily for a few days. If CCBill told me they were giving their software an overhaul for a few days and financial reports would not be available until Saturday, I'd be pleased, not annoyed.

    On the subject of X on Demand though, is their affiliate rep. is the person to talk to about missing checks, although I'm not sure what his title is.
    Aaron Lawrence
    Webmaster, GayGeek: Smart reviews of gay adult websites
    ICQ: 417-322-689

  6. #6
    Gay Journalist and erotic video producer.
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    So did anyone call him?

  7. #7
    On the other hand.... You have different fingers
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    Quote Originally Posted by nickbaer View Post

    A year or 2 ago they moved to Charlotte - down the street from AEBN. I wish they could form a merger to preserve our content, and revenue.
    I don't think that actually came through... when we looked into it a while back, they were in some backwater town in Pennsylvania.

  8. #8
    Gay Journalist and erotic video producer.
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    I've been mailing my DVDs to Charlotte for the past 1+ years, maybe 2+, and they have been going live. SO X On Demand does have some kind of presence in Charlotte - separate addr from AEBN.

    I know in Rob's signature, he has a 215 FAX number, but I never associated Rob with Charlotte, rather the encoding and serving side of things.

    I actually knew once that Rob was in like some New England state near NY, like CT or something. Yup, 860 is:

  9. #9
    Gay Marriage - It's our Pearl Harbor. GL_Marc's Avatar
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    As a former XonDemand employee I can tell you they used to operate out of both Charlotte, North Carolina and Warminster, PA (outside Philadelphia). I worked in the PA office the 2-1/2 years I was there. When I was suddenly let go it was because they closed up shop in PA and moved what was left to operate out of NC only, I assume to avoid having to pay two building rents. And yes they are close to AEBN in Charlotte. Some would say too close. Rob Hoover is out of somewhere in CT, I know that much also, but I never met him in person, only ever spoke to him via phone or ICQ when I used to have to chat with him.

    Good luck getting paid, if I recall this happened last year too with them. They made a bunch of excuses and promises and look like they are back to their old tricks again... Everything happens for a reason, and them letting me go definitely happened for the best!



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  10. #10
    On the other hand.... You have different fingers
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    I sent our PFL dvds to them. 11 of the dvds went live for 2 months. they didnt give me a way to check money earned. they told me after 5 weeks that we haven't earned anything. my boss bought a package of minutes and spent them on the titles. a week later i talked to a frank guy on the phone and he said no money has been earned yet.
    they were given 3 more weeks to see if they earned anything. still cant view money earned at that point. they said they dont have a way to show reports with the new system they made a year ago and they had programmers on it.
    finally my boss had a lawyer send them a dmca.

    i talked to a couple other studios and they were looking for collection agencies to try and get their money back from xondemand.
    thats all i know. :catfight:

  11. #11
    talk 'Til Your Head Explodes 1800GAYLIVE &
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    I used to work for XOD in the PA office. I can tell you that they did in fact pick up and move the operation to Charlotte, NC. This was right after the whole Al Goldstein fiasco. Does anybody remember that brilliant idea?
    Yep, Frank Ryan actually hired him.
    When I worked there Frank Ryan was "President". That was in name only as all direction came from a guy in Charlotte. It took us eight or nine weeks typically to get expense checks from Charlotte. Sometimes our paychecks were days late. There was always an excuse. I was let go just after we got back from VENUS in Berlin. Before I left I demanded my expense check and Frank was pissed that I was so untrusting. Soon after they moved to Charlotte.

  12. #12
    Gay Journalist and erotic video producer.
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    And then, Feb 2009, for a few days or weeks, Robert Sons showed up here as a rep of XOD!

    To me that was awesome, because in 2004 when I moved to Hollywood, and started looking into webmaster boards, Robert Sons was the center of the universe for VOD. And because of his human presence, i got signed up as a studio and webmaster with the biggie VODs - AEBN, HotMovies, XOD.

    I don't remember an Al Goldstein, but I do remember Robert Sons.

  13. #13
    How long have you been gay?
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    They've owed us a little less than $1000.00 since March 2009. No replies to our repeated emails, no money sent to us, nothing. :fuckyou:

  14. #14
    Professional pervert
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    I didn't say anything earlier because I was hoping to settle this privately between X on Demand and GayGeek, but they owe us money as well. They last made payment to us in November 2008. We don't make a lot of money from them anyway so I didn't catch the issue until Lee brought it up two weeks ago, but sure enough, they're dicking me over as well.

    FYI, my affiliate rep at X on Demand (or at least my contact there) is I contacted him via ICQ and he asked that I e-mail and carbon copy the e-mail to him so he can follow-up.

    I have now sent two e-mails to both people and have not yet received a response or a check.

    I had given them until close of business today to pay up. Nothing arrived in the mail, so we'll be publicly flagging them on GayGeek as being a deadbeat and worth avoiding.
    Aaron Lawrence
    Webmaster, GayGeek: Smart reviews of gay adult websites
    ICQ: 417-322-689

  15. #15
    On the other hand.... You have different fingers
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    im no lawyer.
    with xondemand not paying their debts owed to so many people, couldnt there be a class action suit or something? what about copyright infringement? if they aren't paying on intellectual property, if your product is registered with the copyright office, cant you sue for pun-able damages?

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