Hey guys... just wanted to pop in and make sure that all Euro webmasters (or folks traveling across the pond this summer) were invited to the SEXMoney.com Round Table Webmaster Dinner in Barcelona, Spain! Should be pretty cool... make sure to RSVP though ahead of time as space is LIMITED!

SEXMoney is proud to announce and invite you to the Round Table Dinner in Barcelona (Spain, Europe). This Spanish webmaster gathering is going to provide you the opportunity to meet local webmasters and talk business.

The owner and the CEO of SEXMoney are going to be present at this special occasion. We all are interested in meeting each other in order to exploit further business potentials.

The dinner will take place on Thursday July 15th at 9PM in the center of Barcelona. Please express your interest as soon as possible since places are limited up to 35 persons.

Hope to see you there!

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Me es muy grato invitarle a la cena-reunión de Sexmoney que se celebrará en Barcelona (España, Europa). Será una reunión entre webmasters a nivel nacional que os dará la oportunidad de conocer a los otros webmasters y de charlar de negocios.

En esta ocasión especial, estarán tanto el propietario de Sexmoney como el Director General. Este encuentro será interesante para todos, ya que podremos explotar potenciales futuros negocios.

La cena tendrá lugar el jueves 15 de julio a las 21 hrs. en el centro de Barcelona. Dado que podemos hacer reserva para un máximo de 35 personas,os agradecería que me comunicaseis vuestro interés en asistir lo antes posible.

Un cordial saludo,
- Stefaan Lippens
Soporte Webmaster SEXmoney España