Are you uploading clips to YouTube? then you should know this SEO information to help you get the most bang for the buck!


YouTube actually has a tool to help you do this, located here. Something to remember about YouTube is that surfers go there looking for entertainment, so you need to structure your keywords to fit what they are looking for. For example, include relevant keywords like names, movie titles, quotes, actions, objects in videos or emotions.

Keywords are one of the most important factors that allow your videos to be found and enjoyed, so chose these wisely!

Video Titles

Did you know that your video title can be upto 100 characters long? Don't try to be too clever here, just make sure your title contains the main search phrase for your video plus uniquely describes the video clip. YouTube search rankings rely more on the beginning of your title than on the end, so if you are going to include a brand names, put it at the end of the title.


The final element that plays in SEO on YouTube is tags, use relevant tags that highlight the aspects of your video that others would want to see. Consider looking at other videos that are similar to yours and come up on top of search results for inspiration for tags.

Adult Video Info

Finally, YouTube can be quite fickle about what videos it decides to take down. Always make sure that your video is softcore and appropriate for all ages. Don't use keywords, titles or tags that are foul or suggest more than what is being shown in your clip. If your video is taken down, don't just resubmit it, but instead look at editing it to make it less likely to get taken down again in the future.

Good luck and may 2011 see your YouTube traffic skyrocket
