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Thread: Getting sick!

  1. #1

    Getting sick!

    Grrrrr....I am getting very sick of sponsors that don't pay!!
    I will onlly wait for so long, but I have a sponsor that hasn't paid me since Feb!

    I'm soooo damn flexable, I don't even know how the hell their rev share really works (it's very confusing).
    Though I do know they owe me at least $200.00

    I know it isn't much....but, WTF???

    What would you do???

    Is there a board a thread or somewhere where I can post their stinking name so other people don't get stiffed too?

  2. #2
    out of curiosity...where do you live?

  3. #3
    In northern Oakland Co....near Orion area

    Oh, I assume you ask cause you figured out I live in MI right
    Last edited by Rainbo1956; 06-28-2004 at 03:22 PM.

  4. #4
    Holy crap...I can't believe there's finally someone else from my area on this board. Everyone else is from LA, Toronto or Florida...oh, and don't wanna forget our Aussies...but seriously, it's nice to have a neighbor here. I live near Mt. Clemens but work in Southfield.

    We should do lunch sometime

  5. #5
    Originally posted by 123Jason
    Holy crap...I can't believe there's finally someone else from my area on this board. Everyone else is from LA, Toronto or Florida...oh, and don't wanna forget our Aussies...but seriously, it's nice to have a neighbor here. I live near Mt. Clemens but work in Southfield.

    We should do lunch sometime
    Hehe...I know where Southfield is...can't remember where Mt. Clemens is though.

    I'm from Minnesota originally...only moved to MI about 4 years ago. Was Downriver, then moved up here a couple of years ago, to the strangest place I've ever lived...

    Lunch would be cool :groovy:

  6. #6
    sweet...we'll definitely have to talk. icq: 233969317 or email me

  7. #7
    Added to icq :thumbsup:

  8. #8
    Erik Estrada
    if a sponsor skips a payment, drop em

  9. #9
    Originally posted by Erik Estrada
    if a sponsor skips a payment, drop em
    Can do, will do...'cept, I wont let some sob's owe me without getting their name out there..if ya know what I mean.

    Sure, they were "great" in the begining...after awhile I began to see a lag time, now nothing...grrrrrr!

    If they were having $$$ trouble and wanted me to wait, all they'd have to do is write me and say so....but, noooooo, they write me back and say some other bull shit...i.e...your check was sent Jan 20th, bla, bla, bla! LOL...and since then I have ahd soooo many signups it isn't funny! Why would they even bother to write an email saying I was paid in Jan???

    Oh well....fuck them and I will get to the bottem of it some day or another!

  10. #10
    On the other hand.... You have different fingers dirtygeek's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    West Hollywood, Ca
    Ya know, missing 1 payment I could see. Everyone makes a mistake once in awhile. Things get miss placed, addresses get printed wrong, hell, and even the mail man could have dropped the letter in a crack somewhere. However, if the company is smart they will try to make it up to them the next month or send them out a special check, and offer them something to make it up to them. (Like no fees or something.)

    I find it amazing that some of these companies can go months without paying someone and the affiliate doesn't notice until it's this huge amount. Or maybe I'm just a penny pinching bitch and always look 3-5 times per week.
    You'll get more with a kind word and a 2 by 4 then you'll get with just a kind word.

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  11. #11
    Originally posted by andymike
    Ya know, missing 1 payment I could see. Everyone makes a mistake once in awhile. Things get miss placed, addresses get printed wrong, hell, and even the mail man could have dropped the letter in a crack somewhere. However, if the company is smart they will try to make it up to them the next month or send them out a special check, and offer them something to make it up to them. (Like no fees or something.)

    I find it amazing that some of these companies can go months without paying someone and the affiliate doesn't notice until it's this huge amount. Or maybe I'm just a penny pinching bitch and always look 3-5 times per week.
    Yup, I hear ya...I've been writing them for about 4 mmonths now...lame answers and no answers....

    The deal is, they were the best I had, so I made a whole site for them...I hated to think about changing it, since it "was" doin so well before...

    Yes, I know I may have waited too long...however, since they are using a paycom, I thought I would get support from them too...but, alas, non from them either.

    We live, we learn! Well, we live anyway!

  12. #12
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    New Orleans, Louisiana.
    I hear ya it does suck



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