is on the hunt for more producers / studios to allow us to carry your product VOD style at

It is DVD Download to own. We are now DRM'd to better protect your content from being shared. We have also created our own in-house programmed implementation to videos. The user must retain internet, the videos work off the internet. The videos connect to our servers. IF the user connects through another IP Address OR ISP, the videos then default to a corrupted status. So if they upload them to torrent sites, tubes, etc. the video then no longer works. The video will display a message that states "Please contact support for access to this video."

They contact support. Support will unlock the video(s) they purchased. So we do have protection in place.

We do payout 50% of all sales directly to the producers which is a higher percentage than many!

When producers send us their DVDs along with the signed contracts, our turn around time is 72 hours! We're fast! Payouts are monthly through paypal, Paxum, checks, bank wires if international, basically however you want paid, we give it!

If your interested, you can email us directly at: studios (at)

We look forward to working with you!

Also, it gets better!!! Producers can promote their products on through our affiliate program at and earn 100% on THEIR PRODUCT sales!

For more details on this association you can visit: