PrideBucks’ Summer of Sin gets Hotter!

Response to PrideBucks’ Summer of Sin Promotion has been so positive, we’ve decided to extend the $40 Fridays throughout the month of July!

Last month we gave away a custom PrideBucks iPod to our top affiliate and this month the PB king or queen will be crowned with Bose Acoustic Noise Canceling headphones, valued at $300.

In addition, the fun continues with summer prizes awarded to lucky affiliates every Tuesday! This month we’re featuring gear straight from the Sharper Image Catalog, including their deluxe travel kit for those weekend beach trips, a personal cooling system to keep your temperature down, the ultimate cork screw for your romantic dinner dates, and a personal massager for those quiet nights at home.

If you're not a PrideBucks affiliate, you're not only missing out on promoting some of the top converting gay sites out there, but you're missing out on your chance to win some great prizes! Sign up today at and get started. We’ve got the tools, content and conversions that Make Gay Pay!