I've been talking to a buddy of mine who does some posting work on our blogs and we're considering kicking off another network.
I just thought I'd check in with others and ask how many blogs they run as an affiliate?

This is mainly for those who earn a full-time income from affiliate sales, as that's the primary area of business we're looking at expanding right now.
So, if you earn what could be considered a full-time income (I'm guessing maybe between $3 and $4k a month?) through affiliate sales alone, how many blogs do you run, and do you run anything else that gains you a lot of sales?

It's just something we're considering doing, but I'm wondering if we should be diversifying into tubes rather than kicking off another network of blogs. And if we do go down the blog network, should we again go for the sub-domain system (which allows any domain sub for some improved SEO) or kick off numerous individual sites?

Thanks for your thoughts as always :humble: