The most popular browser extension in the world, AdBlockPlus, is releasing its version 2.0 tomorrow which will start allowing "acceptable ads" to be displayed. Users will have the option to turn off the acceptable ads option, but to date most ABP users have never changed the default settings.

ABP says it is working on the definition of acceptable, but for now they say it means:
- Static advertisements only (no animations, sounds or similar)
- Preferably text only, no attention-grabbing images
- At most one script that will delay page load (in particular, only a single DNS request)

Why the change? The ABP website says:
The results of our user survey say something different. Only 25% of the Adblock Plus users seem to be strictly against any advertising. They will disable this feature and that's fine. The other users replied that they would accept some kinds of advertising to help websites. Some users are even asking for a way to enable Adblock Plus on some websites only.
More info is available at