When I'm emperor of the world, the first people I'm sending off to the gulags are guys like the one in this picture.

I was opening up my window to let the breeze come through when I saw the driver of that gray Volvo wagon (center of photo) - white male, graying beard, late 50s approx 5'10'' 220lbs - pulling back to park his car in that spot.

Notice how big that fuckin' spot is. It's huge! That's my red Jeep Cherokee to the right, btw. I'm pulled back close to the white car behind me. Not too close to where the guy behind me can't easily pull out, but close enough to leave space enough for 2 cars in front of me.

It's all street parking here. And it's near the beach and the downtown Long Beach strip. So parking is hard to come by. Plus, there's streetsweeping tomorrow morning. So half the curb space can't be parked on overnight.

So parking is slim enough as it is and look at what that dick does. Parks in the fucking middle of that huge spot. Taking up the entire space so only he can park there! Instead of pulling up far enough so another car could fit behind or back far enough so another car could fit in front.

WHAT THE FUCK?!?!!? HOW MUCH OF A DICK DO YOU HAVE TO BE?!?! Are people really that clueless!!!?!?!

Don't take up the whole goddamn spot! There was a nice big space for 2 cars on a highly sought after strip of curb space in a neighborhood where parking is a pain enough as it is and he takes up 2 spots!!

I'm lobbing eggs at that bastard tonight, I tell you what!!