Google announced this week that Google+ now has over 90 million users, which is an impressive number considering that its only about 6 months old now. This info came out of a speech on their fiscal results for 2011.

“Google had a really strong quarter ending a great year. Full year revenue was up 29%, and our quarterly revenue blew past the $10 billion mark for the first time,” said Larry Page, CEO of Google. “I am super excited about the growth of Android, Gmail, and Google+, which now has 90 million users globally – well over double what I announced just three months ago. By building a meaningful relationship with our users through Google+ we will create amazing experiences across our services. I’m very excited about what we can do in 2012 – there are tremendous opportunities to help users and grow our business.”

But digging into this number, you will see that a large majority of G+ users are part of the stats only because they signed up for a Google account and it was automatically added to their Google userid. That makes it hard to compare G+ to its social media competition.

The speech also included some other impressive facts & numbers:
- Google+ has shipped an average of one new feature every day since June.
- With DoubleClick Ad Exchange, spending is up over 130% “year on year.”
- Google Enterprise signs up over 5,000 new customers every day.
- Gmail has over 350 million active users.
- 700,000 Android phones are “lit up” every day
- There have been over 11 BILLION downloads from Android Market.

You can read the full fiscal year results at