Hey Guys

So i have been tirelessly working away with Lloyd, to get the final two sites in EmoProfits ready, and here they are!

ExposedEmos: our fully 2257 compliant (we can show you the records) amateur boyfriend site.

As well as a redesign, we are relaunching the network site, with an all new CMS, trials and updated NATS interface!
EmoNetwork - members to EmoNetwork get access to all 4 emo sites in the network, as well as two of the GayLifeNetwork sites

I have also added over 60 new banners to NATS, for all the sites in EmoProfits!

Plus an exclusive! - if you shoot over to UrbanBrits.com you can see mine and Lloyds redesign (the first of BritishBucks)

This week is the week of tour building, hurrah. 0.o