Our friend Robert Chandler posted on the other-place-that-I-read-occasionally-but-am-not-pretty-enough-to-be-a-menber-of, about gay - bb.org that is a huge pirate site.

Indeed, for the first time, I actually found a pirate with good enough taste to carry my files! .wmvs of a lot of my newer stuff from the past year. Don't know where they got them from. I don't host my own VOD movies as I don't have a pay site. So they got them from one of the five VOD portals I partner with.

A lengthy DMCA later, they took 'em down - the whole list of 20! And after a couple of initial responses that were pretty slimy.

I also CC'd AUP@PayPal, and a few hours later, the PayPal links were off their payment page. The payment options they have left, cater to a handful of Russians

What a nice day.