It seems as if Tumblr (now owned by those asshats at Yahooey) have started the, "Great Porn Purge". I had a great blog that was creating at least 10 follwers a day and BLAMMO - TERMINATED. I emailed support to find out what the deal was and they said I violated their terms by having a misleading link. I have no idae what the hell they were talking about so I asked if I could set-up another account.

I was told I could, but I would need to use a different email problem.

I set-up the account and created a new blog.

I had 10 posts,
NO links,
NO ads,

Just a basic site. I was adding the sites I follow and BLAMMO - TERMINATED yet again.

I've sent them another email and will keep you posted.

My advice to anyone who has an adult Tumblr blog - BACK UP YOUR CONTENT - just in case.

Peace, Love & Boners - Jay