I'ma start off a little recurring thread topic here on GWW BECAUSE I CAN!!! \m/ :angrymad: \m/

Now and then I'll post a "Get To Know" thread and pick some poor clueless sole from among the ranks of GWW posters and put em on the spot for everyone here to ask em questions. Where they grew up. Names of their pets. Favorite food. What they do for a living. Who they work for. Latest project they're working on. Phobias. Pet peeves. Would they ever sleep with BDBionic. Anything you wanna ask!

And they gotta answer 8) Unless it's some sick and twisted question no one in their right mind would ever want to answer about themselves... and then they only have to provide the answer to me in a private message 8)

It could be a fun way for us to get to know eachother.

So to start off, I'll put myself on the spot so we can get an idea of how it works and let you all ask anything you want and commit myself to answering to the best of my knowledge and as truthfully as possible unless I lie.