Hi all,

I often suggest to inquiring webmasters that they work in a niche that turns them on. I spend so much time working on my sites that I just couldn't bear it if I had to stare at Asian guys all day, seven days a week. I certainly couldn't work in the straight side of the business. I cover the hairy men and Euro uncut markets, I could definitely do a skinhead site, and I could probably manage a muscle domain or maybe a porn star encyclopedia-type site, maybe a military site, but that's probably about it.

How is it for you? Do you like your site's content? Does it turn you on personally, or was it purely a business decision? Do you think being turned on by your content helps you create a better website?

And if you're straight working in the gay biz, how do you feel about your content? How do you know what's good? How do you know if it'll sell?

Or do you think it doesn't matter: throw any naked guy up on a site and someone will buy it?
