I think industry self-policing is better. But in order to have that you need a governing body that everyone respects and will listen to.

Right now we have too many sponsors saying, "It's none of my business" in favour of the dollar.

This is the kind of stuff that I was talking about in: What is it about this business?

Right now we have webmasters and sponsors running around and pretty much doing whatever they want. If you're getting screwed your only recourse is to take them on by yourself and perhaps trying to enlist the help of your friends.

We can't hope to police our own business under this model.

I think we'd need some kind of an organization, and then, we'd need some brave sponsors to step in and say they'd only accept webmasters who were a part of that association. I think such a group would also give us more credibility and it would give us more bargaining power with entities like VISA , MasterCard, and the various governments.
