My goal is to set up my internet business by the end of this month. When I was at my real job today, I realized that the process of doing research and learning what I have to learn to set things up was stressing me. All through my life I have always been that way. I should learn to relax. So what if the software that I end up buying that will allow my customers to download my art is not the best? So what if the system is not very secure and hackers steal my art from the server? So what if I don't know "enough" mySQL yet? I will keep learning new skills and change things as I go along. I should be excited about starting my own business (which I am too). I have been forgetting lately that the reason I am becoming an adult webmaster is so many more people can know and enjoy my art, make more money, learn new skills, get some recognition as an artist, and become a business man. As Steve Jobs said, the journey is the reward, and I should enjoy the journey more.