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Thread: How Often Do You Speak To Other Webmasters That..

  1. #1
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    New Orleans, Louisiana.

    How Often Do You Speak To Other Webmasters That..

    You are friendly with on more than a work basis?

    I just realized that for a while the only time i spoke to someone on AIM / ICQ / Phone was when they needed help or i needed help with work related stuff.

    Now it seems i spend more time chatting with 'industry friends' about stuff that doesnt relate to work :thumbsup:

    Just wanted t find out ifyou have any webmasters in the industry that you classify as friends who you speak to constantly other than just work colleagues?



  2. #2
    Yeah for sure! I think out of business relationships you form friendships along the way so like any friend you kinda keep in contact and chat about non-business things as well. ICQ and AIM does make it a lot easier BTW...:howl:

  3. #3
    i try to, but im always afraid im bugging someone if i try & chat about anything other than business.

  4. #4
    Moderator Bec's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Oh I absolutely have made some very good friends here that I chat with about a lot of stuff besides business. Business weaves in and out of the discussions of course, but so does a lot of other more personal type chatting.

  5. #5
    I've made some great friends here on the board. I've been known to just shoot the shit with a lot of people I've met here. I often talk about business, but we usually just gab about nothing, and I'm hoping to visit LA in the fall so Don and I (and whomever else wants to come along) can terrorize the city, and I can show you what "fast" REALLY means.

  6. #6
    You know, I'm thinking of the GWW moderator's dinner in Vegas earlier this year and the GWW coctail party in Cybernet and I think we're a lot more than business associates, we're friends. That means a lot. I know when I go to an industry gathering that I have a bunch of people that I can hang with and joke around with and talk more than just business with. I really apprecaite that and feel very fortunate that I can consider you my friends.

    And Jasun, LA won't know what hit it!!! LOL!

  7. #7
    I certainly do. One person who I've known from porn for about 6 years we even go on holiday skiing with (have done for the last 2 years and doing so next year too). There's good people in the world but not if you believe what everyone says over at GFY


  8. #8
    AusCoding Allan
    I have to say that to begin with I was very much just in it to talk business but over the past six months I kind of let that slip and now chat quite frequently with other people in the industry about just stuff in general - as Bec said the work stuff drifts in and out but it's not generally all we talk about.



  9. #9
    Some of our best friends we have made through this industry and see and speak to them regularly in social situations!

    ... and I love a chat... so that is daily!

  10. #10
    i've made a lot of friends in the industry. most of the time, we end up doing some sort of business together as well. networking is such a huge part of this business, that you're bound to make real connections with a few people along the way.

  11. #11
    Yeah, this is growing all of the time for me, too. But like Dawgy, I'm always worried I'm butting into someone's day. But I expect if I am, they will tell me, and I wouldn't be offended.


  12. #12
    I must admit I'm always open for a chat (almost always...) and as DZiner says...if not - it's easy to go invisible or just let people know. It's good to get away from the biz for a while and just chew the fat


  13. #13
    I rarely talk to other webmasters about non biz issues. I always feel like I'm bugging them or there are those that just won't go away after you say hello to them. I have always tried to keep my work from my personal life and vice versa, only leads to trouble.

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