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Thread: Need some help...

  1. #1

    Need some help...

    I have a trip I'm taking in a couple weeks, and I'm a little short on cash, so I'm selling a couple of my side projects that I never got around to finishing. The sites I'm selling are TGPs, but they haven't been set up yet. If you're interested in buying either one (or both) send me what you'll pay for them in a PM, and the highest bidder gets them on Friday. I'm in a rush to sell, so if it's a low price it's a low price And since neither of these have been set up, I'm only looking to get back the price it cost to get the domains, designed, and scripts.
    This is a general TGP, that just needs a little work to get it up and running. This site comes with the domain name, the design (done by Mike from i-WebCreation), and the ap|tgp2 script. (domain) (design)
    This is a general gay TGP, that needs a good script and is ready to go. This site only comes with the domain and the design (done by Dynamixxx).

    If you're interested, let me know, as these need to be sold by Friday for my trip. Thanks guys!


  2. #2
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    New Orleans, Louisiana.
    Im going to copy this to the announcement and traffic forums for you also :thumbsup:



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