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Thread: Uncle Jasun's Gay Republican Bashing Hour

  1. #1

    Uncle Jasun's Gay Republican Bashing Hour

    So I wrote a little blurb that got published on a while back. It was really just a little thing about how stupid and short sighted I thought Gay Republicans are, and although most of the email I got back was quite positive, I got a vaguely defensive and scolding letter from somebody named "Cody" who took me to task for my thoughts.

    I read their letter (I don't know if "Cody" was a male or female), and after a short moment of self reflection, I began to feel the inner asshole I try so hard to keep inside come out. I'll have to stop taking those "evil" pills that Dr.Acula gave me.

  2. #2
    It always surprises me that people are still saying they're Republican because they believe in smaller government, equality, states rights, and less control over people's everyday lives. Have we seen any of that during this current administration?

    At one point, the Republican Party did stand for those issues, but those days are gone. Not to mention that the Republican Party has been hijacked by the Christian Right.

  3. #3
    It is pretty pathetic, isn't it?

    I don't understand how ANYONE could be a Republican right now, the way that they have so little respect for any of the core principals of the party. Makes you shake your head.

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