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Thread: Lee promised cock, so I thought I'd drop by

  1. #1

    Lee promised cock, so I thought I'd drop by

    Hi everyone

    There's a few familiar faces here (and some familiar other parts too!) but I don't think I know many of you ... I'm looking forward to meeting everyone!

    I'm cj, some of you may remember a site i started a few years ago called which is a site for women featuring my fave pics of men ...

    Lee promised me lots of cocks over here so I thought I'd better drop by and check for myself ;-) He wasn't exaggerating!!!! There's some very yummy snaps posted so far and i'm only up to page 1 of the threads :wtf:

    I'm looking forward to spectating & will try to contribute where I can ... but I promise no clam snaps, no matter how much you beg ;-) LOL

  2. #2
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    New Orleans, Louisiana.

    Re: Lee promised cock, so I thought I'd drop by

    Originally posted by cj.
    ]but I promise no clam snaps, no matter how much you beg ;-) LOL
    Im sure a few of the ladies we have posting here wont object if you change your view on that CJ

    Good to have you here to, im gonna copy this over to the general board so you get a proper GWW welcome



  3. #3
    good point!! oops ;-)

    Thanks Lee!

    btw, this place looks awesome & heaps of great sites/programs i've not seen for a while - good job pulling so many communities together

  4. #4
    Welcom cj! If you haven't already been there make sure you head over to the thread on Winning a cockring from Gear Essentials. There's some nice cock pics there.

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