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Thread: verotel update

  1. #1
    virgin by request ;) Chilihost's Avatar
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    Oct 2003

    verotel update

    have you seen this update yet:

    some key points:
    - the processing time of Verotel Pro applications is extended from 21 days to at least 90 days
    - registration fee of each Verotel Pro account is USD 1,500 as a one-time fee and USD 260.00 as a yearly fee. The yearly fee will be deducted in 52 weekly payments of USD 5.00 per week.
    - Starting October 15th, all Ticketsclub merchants are advised to link their members area button to instead of the local 'members' entrance on the merchants website. In this manner, Verotel can monitor all (login) traffic to the member areas. Please note that this is NOT mandatory
    - Also starting October 15th, new SIGNUP NOW buttons will be available, in different styles, in the Verotel Control Center. By putting this new SIGNUP NOW button on your website, it will be very clear to your customers that you accept payments through Ticketsclub and Verotel.
    - If you have a Verotel Ticketsclub account, starting November 15, 2004, Verotel will take over the registrar responsibility through one of our subsidiaries With this change, the registrant of the domain name will be Ticketsclub and not the Ticketsclub merchant

    holy crapoly...that sounds soooo dodgy to me!


  2. #2
    that is just bullshit

  3. #3
    I can't figure out if they are trying to hijack webmaster's sites or if they are trying to deceive Visa by hiding the affiliate sites true ownership.

    Whatever they are trying to do sure smells fishy.

  4. #4
    virgin by request ;) Chilihost's Avatar
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    given that they already control access lists (htpasswd is NOT served from your server) plus they want to take over the members entrances, they have every ability to shave without website owners knowing it...then add that to their taking over your domains plus they already have the right to spam your surfers in their current contracts, hrmmm, would you trust them?


  5. #5
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
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    That almost sounds like they want owners to hand over control of their sites to them :eek:



  6. #6
    Hmmm... sounds similar to what some of the AVS's have tried.

  7. #7

    verotel update - there is much more


  8. #8

    There is allot more wrong with Verotel

    About Verotel I would have os much more information. I left that "company" happy enough in March 2004 but still tht cost us 1000's € do to allot of fraudulent stuff these guys have no shame to do.

    1 Example: The way they offered their DirectDebit payment option!!

    First ind 2003, they had NO connenction and contract to ANY bank but they didn't told that to any of their webmaster. Simply let customers join a site and got customers access to the member area. A view month later, after they got a new contract in Germany they tried to process ALL that hanging transactions and you can imagine what happend. Nearly 40% of all transactions resolved in a denied transaction and got a charge back for several 1000€. No risk for Verotel but we sold our member area for free

    Next in 2004. Customers contacted us and telling that they got postal invoices from Verotel asking the customers to transfer the money by bank. Again, Verotel wasn''t able to make transactions with their DirectDebit bank associates and again, no word to us, the webmasters.

    Only from the first 3 month of 2004 we got more than 700 charge backs for DirectDebit sign ups. Most of thes charge backs where related to sign ups from more than 3 month ago.

    Any contact and request to get answers from Verotel resolved in NO ANSWER and finally in a suspension of our account (happy that we already canceled all re-biling customers weeks before and also moved all NEW sign ups to another IPSP) so that suspensions only created a bit of lost money and delay in pay out.

    All experiences with Verotel after that, I can tell you, Verotel is a NOT TRUSTABLE and cheating company. I have prove of everything I am telling here, I have mails from the customers talking about getting that strange invoices, I sued Verotel and the result was suspension.

    I advise you, before you move away from Verotel, do it without talking to anyone and try to do it as quiet as possible otherwise you pay the bill.

    Verotel cost my company finaly many 1000 € and it started so nice with a good contact and a as we thought VERY good personal contact and support to all our needs until we noticed what kind op people are managing that company.

    Suggestion, save your money quickly and quiet!!!

  9. #9
    I'm very uncomfortable with the idea of vaginas. They bother me in the way that spiders bother some people. Huskyhunks's Avatar
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    Sorry that you had to go through all of that mess. Especially losing alot of income and rebills after you put your money and faith in the company. I use them as a secondary processor and they are ok but this new move shows that they completely do not understand what webmasters must have - trust and honesty - and it's a two way street.

    I mean really... what webmaster is going to give away the rights to their domain ? It's just ridiculous. This is one more nail in the coffin for 3rd party processing.
    Artist/Painter and Webmaster of

  10. #10
    Camper than a row of tents
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    If Verotel goes under, that marks the death of the amateur cam site as we know it. That's one area of the industry that needs 3rd party billing at no initial cost to survive.

    Some still use PayPal, but they all get narced on by competing camop's eventually.

  11. #11
    Originally posted by Matt 26z
    If Verotel goes under, that marks the death of the amateur cam site as we know it. That's one area of the industry that needs 3rd party billing at no initial cost to survive.

    Some still use PayPal, but they all get narced on by competing camop's eventually.
    Adult Bouncer has ABbilling which sounds perfect for amateur cam sites.

    I've never tried ABbilling and I am not affiliated with the program.

  12. #12
    I'm A Confirmed Trisexual CuriousToyBoy's Avatar
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    1,031 are strong and going nowhere and have worked for us for a LONG time on many projects.

    They in Amsterdam will disagree with me on this point (and they have many times), but I see the Toickets Clubs and the new changes as methods of dissauding smaller operators from using them - they don't want the grief IMHO.

    And people (especially those in North America) generally seem untrusting of anyone not from that part of the world. There seems to be some stigma associated with their being European based and also from some of their past site billing associations (100% legal where they are mind you) being morally questionable to North Americans.

    A few points to note (that people seem all too ready to ignore):

    - When things got tight in the US where did ALL the billers run to? EUROPE. And no-one said a thing.

    - The background at Verotel is Merchant Banking - they know the business.

    - They ONLY process subscription sites, NO products, so they can fully control their systems.

    - The Dutch banking system is one of the oldest and strongest in the world, unlike the fragmentation of the US system. Being tighter means better controls means less problems with companies like Visa.

    - They have introduced policies BEFORE they were mandated by Visa and the like, so there hasn;t been any knee jerk reactions to the changing environment. Their risk management is very strong in that respect.

    - When Globill fell over, who was approved to take you over their Database? Verotel, NOT the others.

    Now I am not saying they are the only game in town, nor necessarily the best, CCBill are our main processor for CuriousCash, and we have been personally stung by the iBill debacle like so many of you (but CuriousCash remains unaffected), but I grow weary of so much one-sided and downright ignorant attitudes when it comes to Verotel.

    Research does NOT begin and end of adult webmaster boards.


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